Thursday, May 7, 2009


Just a short poem…it is something I am feeling…


“Here I am again,

Laying in my bed

And feel the pain

Emptiness is killing me inside,

Tears I cannot hide

All the fears in my heart,

Getting ready to get out

My heart is broken apart

And my soul is fading apart…”


  1. Everytime I read this I see myself.
    I would love to be hable to help mend your broken heart

  2. Your Smile

    I feel your pain.
    Every time I feel it,
    It kills me inside,
    I want to be the one,
    The one to mend
    That broken heart of yours.
    I want to make your pain fade away.
    I want to make you smile.
    If it's only for awhile,
    Just to make you smile,
    To be able to see you smile,
    Is all I want to do.

    O___O I'm shocked! O__O I didn't know I could reply you with a poem just like that. O___O Ehss~ Anyhoo~ xD It's a short poem but a very meaningful and nice poem. xD

