Monday, May 11, 2009


I have little time to check the net and I can’t stay long browsing the net and do stuff here. I will be lucky if I can stay an hour here, but when I have free time I stay like 4 hours and so on if I got nothing to do that much, people always questioning why I have time to this when I am busy? Actually, I am writing and doing this once I have free time, so when I am here it means I am FREE I don’t know why I have to tell it many times or it was just people hard to pick up what I am saying. We even stroll around, do our own stuff when we are not in work and we got nothing much to do. We only have limited time for ourselves and for our family, we often get off from work so we have to TAKE all the chances we have. You know what I mean. It was just once in the blue moon for us to be free so we use it and value each moment we have. I really hate questioning and so on…but I have to understand no matter how I hate it…I always understand THE STUPIDITY OF SOME PEOPLE BUT I WISH IT WILL NOT PUSH ME TO THE LIMIT, I DON’T WANT TO EXPLODE, WHEN I EXPLODE I AM EVIL AND SOME PEOPLE HATED ME WHEN I AM IN MY EVIL MODE, I HATE MYSELF EITHER MORE THAN YOU DO WHEN I GET PISSED OFF BUT THAT IS REALITY OF MYSELF I HAVE TO SHOW UNLESS I PRETEND TO BE GOOD THEN I WILL BE FAKE…


  1. they are also pissing me off. now they did start to insult me again.
    im so sick of all this...

  2. Ignore...
    Or then play with them a little. It's not a pretty thing to do but it's funny.
    Not as much as that quote: "Artificial Inteligence is no Match for natural Stupidity" you cracked me up with that one Yoochun!

  3. i just finished updating my account here and posted some new entries, im getting pissed off with them but i have to hold my temper, there is no more space in my mind to think so much about it, i dont think they deserve my attention, i think what i said its enough and i dont want to go further, im thankful you are there to be on my side, i understand her opinion, i have no choice but to understand...

  4. We are always on your side, further more because she is really Natural Stupidity. Yeah... I had to hold my temper too! I really get on my nerves really easy!

  5. thats why i am thankful to you, to all of you, dont worry, i will be alright, i can deal with this matters but at least you are there to give comfort its a great help

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I feel helpless, none the less.
