Monday, May 18, 2009


What did I do? What I have done to you to hurt me this way and judge me by your ignorance. Do I deserve to be judge by you and point your fingers on me? Yeah I know; it is because of my writings that makes you think I am bogus. Maybe because I am a celebrity and famous; I’m not asking for you to tell whether who am I and who I am not. I never ask you to tell me what’s on your mind and what you think of me. I already tell every thing I have to tell, the things you have to know, if you don’t understand, it’s you who has problem and not me. Everybody has the right to say their opinion as long you know your limits. I notice some of you have crossed the boundaries and I just feel upset. Now all I can do it to open up my mind and understand every thing, don’t let me lose my temper and patience, I don’t want to get mad and leave…


  1. Don't be mad.

  2. relax, im ok, i was just expressing some emotions here, i just dont like to read those comments from some people like being naughty here, dreaming of what? making love something like that...i feel uneasy with it, but i dont have to delete the comments let people see it soon they will realized their mistakes

  3. I know.
    I do the same in my blog.

  4. i was laughing when i read it you know, i cant imagine i will dream someone making love with me in dreams? sounds so funny...what do you mean you do the same on your blogs?

  5. don't delete bad comments
    Believe me I laughed my heart out!
    it's just so stupid i can't help bu laugh

  6. O__O *uses a book to fan you* O__O Relax!! O___O and more importantly Don't leave! O___O I'll die! O__O

