Monday, May 18, 2009


If there’s a reason for me to be happy? Yes I have a reason to smile and be happy. I am blessed with so much love with people around me, I can express myself freely, I can be what I want to be, I have a better life having a loving family with me and friends. Some people trying to bring me down, they think they can destroy my life but I prove to them they are wrong, look at me now? Do you think I fall down? I will not fall down because of you, who are you anyway? Stranger from out of nowhere, or an intruder from outer space, you keep on talking but you never show yourself to me. You think you are brave enough when the truth is you’re scared, you’re playing smart when your brain is in your butt. Do you think you look good messing around? Maybe you look good being stupid, looking like a fool, saying nonsense words. Probably you will read this entry, you been stalking me and keep on following me. Go on! Keep on talking, comments my entries, insult me, say bad words against me, mess with my blogs, mess with people here if that’s make you happy, then go on…I wish you can get something from doing that or else you will end up a loser for the rest of your life…


  1. Don't be mad. We all just ignored her and it worked. As I said before Ignorance is a bliss and for some people it's the only kind of treatment they deserve

  2. its ok my friend, im done with her, i got nothing to do with her anymore

  3. I really don't get why there's people doing these things. "o(O 3 O)o" Is it that fun to be doing things like these? O__O *sigh* It's better if these things happen on me and not my friends. ^^; It gets on my nerves if they're doing it to my friends. ^^;

