Monday, May 18, 2009


Take a moment to look at your family

What is a good family?

These are the three makes of a good family:


1.   Close to God

2.   Close to one another

3.   Close to people

Some families are close to God, but they are not close to one another. Some families are close to God and to one another, but they are not close to the people and it could happen that some families are close to the people and to one another, but they are not close to God.


So, how is your family?


  1. I was blessed with a family that has all three qualities!
    On that I consider myself a very lucky person.

  2. i dont have a good family because my parents were divorce but somehow we still close...

  3. The three of you are close, right? And your brother and your mother love you, that is what is important

  4. My family also has all three.. but sometimes when it comes to people...
    how do i put it...

    we are really good and nice with everyone but some of the people don't take our goodness in good intention they just talk bad about us..
    but still, we're nice to people that are nice to us =)

  5. I wouldn't say I have a good family. Well, this happened. ^^; But, I guess we're still close. =)

